Sunday, 16 June 2013

Summer Vacation and Boredom

The school students especially living in Karachi are so unfortunate that for them summer vacations is another period of imprisonment in their homes. After months of studying hard non-stop it is a pupil's right to enjoy these vacations but what can we say, continuos fear for act of terrorism swallows all the happiness! In addition, less number of summer camps in the economic range of a normal person are difficult to locate. This instigates boredom, tension and agony for the city's situation and nothing looks better than viewing 24/7 news channels with news full of sorrow. I think our city and country craves for peace because in the state of harmony the student population is only satisfied.

Community Service and Youth

A moment of pride is to see the youth being really active in community service and why shouldn't they be because Pakistan is a country where social services is much more common in public than that at the governmental level. Developed nations have given community service extreme importance and credit students over there records of volunteering. In Pakistan such system is required because this promotes national fraternity, social security and community trust. Letting in volunteers from different scopes would further help in transparency of NGOs and further polish their aims of serving the nation. 

Club of Death

Our youth is being enslaved by the addiction of Shisha which penetrated as a teenage fashion. At every corner from slums to the posh areas we either find Hooka Bars or Shisha clubs where the same thing is being sold at variable prices. The case of Shisha is similar to that of cigarette but what to say about social ignorance and undue silence. The harms of such an entertainment are numerous and prolonged. The most common myth is the believe of Shisha being safer than cigarette which baseless and one should accept what doctars have concluded is that Shisha is equally as harmful as cigarette. Again the worst part is our social acceptance for Shisha!

I request the parental community and teaching staff to explain the hazardous effects of such drugs in life and over health. Moreover, people should request for closures of these places as soon as possible for the removal of such harmful distractions!

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Running from responsibility!

In the 21st century many parents are running away from their moral responsibilities of inducing good values in their children. The greatest reason for this is completely turning school responsible for their child's actions and behaviour!

Parents should realise the fact that the greatest impact over their child is of themselves and school has relatively very little to do with it. It is more now a way to sideline oneself's responsibility and shatter the guilt for a weak moral upbringing. And, yes! I do agree with the impact of surrounding, still it can never be blamed for someone's behaviour. Now it looks a little disputable to what we usually believe in but whether someone agrees or not parents are the character builders of a child whereas all the others are agents which polish the personality.

In my opinion, parents should pay attention to their child's behaviour and consider moral development as the first step towards a better society.

" Depriving the youth from genuine leadership conferences "

Leadership conferences have turned into a powerful tool for the youth but sadly, it caters a very narrow circle of our society. Several conference being organised could only be approached by the elite class and this is something to thoughtful about. Are we discriminating due to someone's financial situation! Unfortunately, this saga of grievances doesn't end here, there is lots more. A decline in merit based scholarships for students is another issue. I question where is the concept of a welfare state? We are moving ahead to create a society with a fortunate top and jinxed bottom with their ultimate fate of ruling and being enslaved respectively. We should take note of what we have in hand - future of Pakistan and the future lies in the hands of the todays youth which is being trained to enslave rather then to empower.

Hence, such programmes and conference along with private schools should come up with a fixed quota for under-priviledged students because this is an ethical responsibility of them! So, we should take part in sowing seed of equality rather than promoting the concept of duality and discrimination!

"The rising craze for international qualification"

Nowadays, we find a huge craze in the local student population for grabbing international qualifications which is seriously very alarming! The faith over local qualifications is declining because of its rejections by the employer and this is not all, employees fear the introduction of internationally qualified employ as he/she might be favoured due to their prestigious degree rather than the local degree holder's handwork. Moreover, source culture adds the spice to the flavour. 

Therefore, when we talk about a change, lets build a nation with huge faith over local qualification and lets work together to enhance our education system by appreciating  its positive features and filling up the vacuums in it!