Sunday 2 June 2013

Running from responsibility!

In the 21st century many parents are running away from their moral responsibilities of inducing good values in their children. The greatest reason for this is completely turning school responsible for their child's actions and behaviour!

Parents should realise the fact that the greatest impact over their child is of themselves and school has relatively very little to do with it. It is more now a way to sideline oneself's responsibility and shatter the guilt for a weak moral upbringing. And, yes! I do agree with the impact of surrounding, still it can never be blamed for someone's behaviour. Now it looks a little disputable to what we usually believe in but whether someone agrees or not parents are the character builders of a child whereas all the others are agents which polish the personality.

In my opinion, parents should pay attention to their child's behaviour and consider moral development as the first step towards a better society.

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