Friday, 12 September 2014

Domestication VS Civilization

Domestication: Adaptation to intimate association with human beings.

Civilization: the process by which a society or place reaches an advanced stage of social development and organization.

The above definitions could be taken as the focal point of the argument as the general concept of the two distinct words layby a retrospective definition.

Domestication and civilization are both a vital element for human evolution. They are the levels of a certain process, instead of synonymous steps to human advancement.

Lets keep it simple,
Domestication ------> Civilization
But not always!

A great example is from another specie of living. A herd of sheep under the authority of a farmer is undoubtedly domesticated, but this never means they are domesticated! Why? They don’t have the right to choose or question! The lack the element of ‘will’, and therefore, we never find a person of high scholarship calling ‘what a civilized herd of sheep it is”.

Under strong enforcement of law, the legality of every aspect murders, or a better word is ‘massacres’, the spirit of creativity or ‘out-of-box’ thinking. Although, law in society inseminates peace, but again it is the major reason for its disruption!

A society in which crime is not committed because of the following punishment is a domesticated society, whereas, a society where crime is not committed because of its criminality is called a civilized society. Therefore, it is fair to conclude, a domesticated society is a well-trained one, on the contrary, civilized society is a well-educated one!

Moreover, all the so-called civilizations, which to survive were well-domesticated because in a domesticated society any person going against general imposed and regulated view is called a betrayer, whereas, in a civilized society (even if the ideation doesn’t coincide with the harm principle) the person is labeled as an innovator and is debated rather than persecuted.

Domestication is nothing but taming the bird to obey the master. And taming is nothing more than caging the free and training him to not bite the elite. This sounds synonymous to the local legal traditions. In addition, this is a major cause for suffering of countries like Pakistan or Egypt, that whether democracy or dictatorship – corruption depolarizes a nation, radiating a sense of normality.

D for dog and domestication and C for cat and civilization, and habits of dogs and cats are quite evident to word linked to it. This doesn’t mean civilized society is abrupt and selfish, but this also doesn’t mean that they are open and selfless. Civilized people believe in justice rather than equality! Now question the law you are under which. Constituted rules would punish you whether you theft because of hunger or fun – and that simple equality! But if there was justice, there would have been a vivid balance – so the theft due to hunger would have been forgiven.
Hence, constructive reciprocation exists only in a civilized nation.

My views aren’t isolated from the society we live in! Following are the views of some famous personalities;

I like to pay taxes. With them, I buy civilization.

In reality, we have been restricted in a boundary where we think law to be our love and cherisher, and legally forget the negative aspect of it!

Moreover, it doesn't mean law is a negative factor of human life but a factor which remains to be revised time to time. Law is therefore a dire need of society and evolving it is a great step towards human advancement. 

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