Tuesday 26 March 2013

Rotten Tomatoes

Since decades this world, especially Pakistan, is owned by the elite class of its nation. The common man like always is exploited because of his mediocre nature and lower affordability. Many say this is the true face of the world but I surely believe human existence is bounded by the element of hope. You can achieve anything from money, from a false education degree to the utmost throne. Merit and dignity in our society is of no use because the world charges and marches on the roads of dollars. The best university is just now a dream for the majority but the ones lowest on their merits rise to such levels that we dignify them with a doctorate. Parliament is a reality for the masters but a hopeless institution for the general public, a public whose one-third wants to run away from this country and two-third in a state of dilemma.

This is not now a harsh reality for me but an extensive measure of human tolerance and handicapping. Truth scores denial or death and false words open channels to success, honesty pulls into lowest darkness while deception and hypocrisy is taught to be diplomacy and a pious action, a tall order honor is to have such a system. The poor majority of this population is enforced to starve and accept humiliation as their fate but the rotten tomatoes believe in the lie of being eternal, thus worsening the tyranny. The public is shocked, puddled and enclosed in the chamber of confusion while the others relish and delect luxury in this transitory paradise.  

We are paralyzed by our situations and require our rights, direly. We don't want to continue the system of request but inaugurate the way of ordering our civil servants as, emphatically, we are the establishment, the true stake holders of this nation. So why we obey and regard the rotten tomatoes?  

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