Tuesday 26 March 2013

"Without education: it is Democralysis"

A word not a part of any dictionary but crystal clear with respect to its definition in the mind of the intellectual is "Democralysis". In a country where majority population is illiterate and others pose to be, the state of democralysis tends to induce. For those unaware of its meaning, Democralysis has been derived from the words democracy and lysis (a biological term meaning destruction). Education is a dire need of a society aiming to progress and prosper in all scopes of living which makes it quite important for the sustenance of a common yet fair governmental system known as democracy.

According to world bank, Pakistan's 54% population is educated which is too low for a nation as fertile as ours but even this percentage is of no use because the people falling into such category are unknown to their right and legal system of their country.

Why I state democraylsis is due to the fact that in Pakistan democracy is roared to be a basic need and right but the people unaware of its glory and esteem accept it as another hopeless system of governance. Therefore, either people opt to move back from voting or continue with the stereotype choosing. If the education was made common with awareness of rights and open exercise of the justice between the locals, this dilemma could be crushed from its roots.

A region where illiteracy is common, the spirit behind democracy dies while freedom of speech in the public forums turns uncommon leading to the destruction of the real essence of democracy. For some reason the public is worth blaming as they either because of conventional mindset or phobias deny importance of knowledge of human rights and worldly education.

According to a friend of mine, about 30 years of martial law and 200 years under British reign the Pakistani mentality is besieged by commanders and generals. This is another reason why we have lost democracy and chosen a half way between to comfort international community and our intellect. Favoring serfdom over freedom and loyalty without nobility has vanquished the concept of self-reliance from hearts of the majority.

Education with an indispensable coordinate specified as human rights education is a need to create an acceptable broadmindedness and a bond of trust over system of governance namely "Democracy" so that our future generation never add such a sarcastic word like Democralysis in their dictionary.

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